4 people I know are running Marathons tomorrow!!! My mom, older sister and friend Justin are all attempting the Portland full, while my one and only Maggie is in the New York half! I could not be more proud of this accomplishment they've all worked for months to experience.
At the start of August, myself, my mom (in training for the full), younger sister & our friend all ran a half in Oxnard, CA. Before this, I'd never come even close to running the distance we accomplished that day- 13.1. In fact, the furthest I'd ever run was 5 miles, many years before.
Once committed, I immediately regretted my decision. How was I, the non-runner, the person who hadn't seen the likes of a treadmill, much less the pavement in months, going to live to see just over 13 miles fly by? I truly didn't believe it could be done.
But then- you go one mile further than you've ever gone before- and it shocks you so intensely- into this world where limits are for the weak, and checking off that next mile consumes your thoughts. This is what was most fulfilling for me- each week, with each mile, I'd accomplished something I'd never thought I would and didn't think I could. Each week having done something I'd never been able to do before- simply amazed the last hour provided me with such an apparently simple reward- brand new, big time accomplishment.
Although it is not my older sister's first full marathon, it's a new experience for the rest of the gang (and if I recall correctly...my sister wasn't too keen on ever repeating the experience fresh from last year's finish line- but here she is!)
Congrats and good luck to each- no matter the outcome!
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