Don't worry, I plan on sharing some upchucked form of my afternoon spent dreamily in the land of unprecedented culinary creation, trudging through deliciously unclaimed territories.
I've always found being in the kitchen to be therapeutic. Who knows its secret to dragging me from the dungeon, but once called upon, I fall instantly into a familiar rhythm, spinning wheels in operation of a task accomplished so many times before. My excitement is surreally stemmed from a passion for a fond culinary contradiction- the ease of a hand onto ridges of a wooden spoon crafted gently by turn upon past gentle turn- all the while a Red Velvet masterpiece from this month's pool of blog to-try's and forget-me-nots cooling on the counter.
The kitchen is where old meets new- where tradition meets unconvention, where ease and challenge coincide. An old song with new notes, a fresh-faced platform for a meal your kitchen's been privy to only whispers of before now. That's what it's about. It's new every time, and you only get better- if you want to that is.
Without the basics, you cannot build. Do you step into the kitchen for the first time with Julia Child-esque expectation? No you do not (or you should not at least...) Because whether it's to feel confident voicing your own praise or in expectation of other's, in order to climb, you must first step onto the ladder. Or in this case...tie on the apron :)

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