I've made a pledge to post every day of October, and today is numero uno!
I sit writing in sunlight graciously occupying a patch of my bedroom carpet. Saturday. What a wonderful day- energized at the thought of the weekend's arrival, grateful for the knowledge the day which follows will allow you the same open platform for planning and doing as opposed to the routine of work's demand.
I love Fall. Autumn. Pumpkins and patches, orange, red, auburn & gold, all reminders of the seasonal change in our midst. The time for cozying up to a fire is nearly here....or is it?
It's been a funny moving to sun shiny Los Angeles from rainy, seasonally loyal Portland for this reason. Although you get the sun you truly never see up North, that nip is lacking. The windy chill, the smell of fresh rain, the shake off of that expected downpour which still caught you off guard. The necessity of an umbrella is replaced with sunglasses, and the jackets which wrapped you daily hang loveless in the back of the closet.
As of now, I wouldn't trade it. But who knows, that ache for the seasons apparent might change, and just maybe I'll come to find myself in need of a Portland puddle so great, I won't have the strength to deny it. We'll see.
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