Nobody loves Mondays. Some claim to like them, but get real, nobody loves them. It's the end. The end of a few days where in the rare chance your alarm fills the room with Hells Bells 'round 730, you can violently snooze guilt-free and return to dreamland until your eyelids admit defeat.
The Workweek Mentality
Tuesday- At least it's not Monday.
Wednesday- Half way, weekend planning begins.
Thursday- Thank god tomorrow's Friday.
Tuesday- At least it's not Monday.
Wednesday- Half way, weekend planning begins.
Thursday- Thank god tomorrow's Friday.
In order to meet Monday in the middle, hoping to sacrifice my own bitterness in acceptance of the rare chance this Monday'll be different- not full of resentment, but full, brimming in fact, with possibilities unknown, I try to take Monday Precautions- Clean my room the night before in avoidance of the dreaded what-to-wear dance. Up early to remind myself there are hours in the day which belong only to me, devoted not to the routine. A little coffee/journal date with my pen and patio to warm the thinktank up top, the usual.
On days where the general mood is predicted to be overcast at best, building your own wall of positive deflection can help. I like to think it helps me to postpone succumbing to the dreary by actively pursuing my own happiness- feeling the most connected with myself as possible before opening the doors to the daily battle- a fight to remain uninfluenced by the Monday Moods of others, and to maintain positivity throughout whatever mess of a Monday is made.
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